The 2008 Sea-To-Sea Bike tour: 219 cyclists. 6246 km. 3881 miles. 62 days. The largest cross-continental bike tour ever.
Starting in Seattle on June 28, and ending in Jersey City on Aug 30.

Why? This is all about raising awareness and raising money to help fight the root causes of global poverty.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Not A Real Post...

Hi folks,

On the one hand, I get frustrated by folks who don't post to their blogs regularly. And so, I must apologize for my tardiness in posting. But on the other, I don't see much value in blogs full of nothing. And so, the reality is I haven't had much to write about!

It's been a slow month, as far as tour preparation. I try to get on the treadmill 2-3 times a week, and I continue to do my back strengthening/limbering exercises. But I haven't been on the bike at all, this month.

I have had some donations rolling in, which is great to see.

I also had to make a drive into Toronto last week, which gave me a great excuse to stop by MEC (Mountain Equipment Co-Op) and go shopping. I got myself some more gear at a good price. (Long cycling tights, cycling jacket, chain cleaning tool, cotton sleeping bag liner, and a sleeping pad - MEC equivalent to a therm-a-rest.) I still will need to pick up a tent in the spring, unless I borrow one from somewhere.

I am curious as to how many people use actual cycling jerseys (shirts) versus just plain cotton T-shirts. Do you really find it makes that big a difference?

thats all for now,

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Giving and Getting

Happy New Year to anyone out there! I hope you enjoy the time spent reading through my blog.

We still have a few months before the weather turns mild enough to focus on outdoor training. So for the next few months our focus will be more on fundraising to meet our goals.

I don't like asking people for money. Do you?

I suspect that most of us don't. I've considered, at times, what a career in development (ie: Fundraising at hospitals/colleges) would be like for me, and I'm sure that the first few times you ask someone for a significant donation would be tough. Like all gifts and skills I'm sure that it requires plenty of practise.

But regardless, fundraising is part of what all of us have committed to doing for this tour. (Hmm, I digress, but it occurs to me that by the time the summer rolls around we will have over 150 people who have learned a lot about fundraising. I wonder if that will lead to any career changes for people involved in this tour?) Therefore, last month, I sent out my first handful of fundraising letters. It was not easy to write those letters. But the next set -- which went out with our Christmas letters -- was a bit easier. Now comes another part of fundraising, the waiting for a response.

That response will itself be a new experience. Receiving gifts can itself be tough ... even humbling. Last month I received my first donation update from Sea-To-Sea HQ and I found myself stunned to see a donation listed from people I didn't even know. I've put donation links here on my blog, and in other locations, and told people about my tour. So on an intellectual level I knew that this could happen. And of course, I was hoping it would. But still... seeing for the first time a response like that was quite something. (Dave and Marcella, thank you SO much! Maybe I'll get to meet you someday.)

I've also been delighted to receive some tour-related gifts from friends and family. These will also help me a great deal in preparing and undertaking this trip.

Best Wishes for January 2008!