As I said, we've covered over 5700 km, but not on a bike.
Just over a month ago I received the not-exactly-unexpected news that my job was being eliminated. Thanks in part to a merger, and in part to grants not being renewed, the lab where I have been employed the past 9 years just couldn't afford to keep their entire IT staff, and so I was let go.
As I said, it wasn't entirely unexpected, and my wife and I had been planning that when the time came we would take the family on a nice long adventure of a trip to get away from things and have a nice break. We homeschool our kids, so that was not an issue. We drove south, visited Mammoth cave, then Panama City Beach in the Florida Panhandle, then Kissimmee (and yes, Disney and Kennedy), and then back north via friends in North Carolina, arriving home today 18 days and 5700 km later.

Hmm, there seems to be snow on the ground now... uh-oh.
In the coming weeks I hope to get back into some form of training, depending on the weather, as well as focus on seeking donations to support the sea-to-sea cause.
In the meantime, greetings to all. And if anyone knows of a company in Southwest Ontario (London preferred) who could use an IT Manager/Tech Manager (Systems/Server management) who is a talented communicator, a creative problem solver, and a insightful researcher, do let me know.
I have asked about openings in our IT area from our Director. I will let you know if something comes up. Good luck!
Can you forward your resume to my email address?
I don't know of any specific openings but it is best to get your resume on file with HR in case IT goes looking.
Great work.
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