L-R we have Gayle (c2c), Peter (Sag driver GR-NJ), Rita (Denver-NJ), John (GR-NJ), John (c2c), Pieter (GR-NJ), Art (GR-NJ), Ralph (c2c), Cynthia (c2c), Mike (GR-NJ), Peter (c2c).
But we need a bit more explanation of that pose. Our church parking lot has just a bit of trouble with drainage after a heavy rain, so we sometimes end up with a "lake" in the parking lot. Now, since we were a bunch of C2C riders heading out that morning, we all thought that we should "dip our tires in the lake" before setting out. Considering that half of us aren't going to be at the initial tire dipping in Seattle, this seemed like a good idea.
Now about distance to date. Back in October, I received a Bike Computer for my birthday, which I promptly installed on my bike and started to use as part of my training. Now, I don't remember when, but within a few weeks I had reason to fully reset the gizmo (I forget why), and I really didn't do that much training in the fall anyway (a few 40km rides at most). So most of the distance that I've covered so far as been this spring.
I just had a peek at my Odometer on the bike computer and it reads 1170km (727 miles, for my less metrically inclined readers).
Now, I haven't really been tracking my rides in my organizer or any sort of a chart, so I really don't know how all those km have been gained. However, I'm willing to bet that half of that was in the past 4 weeks, which is when I started to put in some more longer distance rides.
The whole trip, for me, in August, will be about 1200km, so I've almost covered that in my training. It will be interesting to see how much distance I cover between now and August 17. I gather that there are some guidelines out there from the C2C organizers as to how much distance you "should" cover in your training, but I haven't looked it up. Did they do that for us partial distance riders as well? Hmm.
Busy weekend ahead here, so I don't think I'll do a big ride this weekend. I'm thinking about a 2hr loop tomorrow morning, if I can make myself get up and out there by 7am.
blessings all!
ps: Going to MEC in Toronto on Monday, got a big shopping list, please pray for my wallet... ;-) Seriously, I think perhaps that shoes and clipless pedals are going to come home with me. Time to move up from these cage/clip pedals.
Art - The clipless pedals aae the way to go. They are much more comfortable and you soon get used to the fact that you can't move your feet around on the pedal. That alone wastes a lot of energy.
Good luck.
PS: really enjoyed the ride on Monday.
I noticed no mention whatsoever of the photographer who got out of her nice warm bed at 6:30 in the morning just to document the ride for posterity. And she didn't even go back to bed!!! That's gratitude for you!
I know the photographer and she is a bitter bean. Love her to death most days!
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