The 2008 Sea-To-Sea Bike tour: 219 cyclists. 6246 km. 3881 miles. 62 days. The largest cross-continental bike tour ever.
Starting in Seattle on June 28, and ending in Jersey City on Aug 30.

Why? This is all about raising awareness and raising money to help fight the root causes of global poverty.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Good Cyclist / Bad Cyclist

Yesterday morning I went out on a 51km ride.

Just a few km from home, I'm biking down Wonderland Rd, which has a dedicated bike path alongside it. I'm biking south on the path. Coming north are a younger (Late high school? Early college?) woman and man cyclist. I met the woman first, who was riding helmetless.

Behind her came a young man, also helmetless. He was wobbling all over the bike path... because in one hand he had his cell phone out and his thumb was punching numbers and ALL his attention was directed down onto the cellphone.

I actually had to yell "Heads Up!" at him to prevent him crashing into me.

Dear Lord, I pray that we on the sea-to-sea will always bike safely, be aware, and be courteous to those around us.

Much later, I was stopped at the 25km mark on a back country road, just having a granola bar and a stretch. I pulled out my map to check on where I was going to turn back. Along came a woman on a road bike (wearing a helmet) and asking to make sure I was okay, and not lost. She even was starting to unclip as she slowed down. I reassured her that I was just stopping for a break, and she pressed on. In hindsight I wish she had stopped so we could have chatted.

Dear Lord, may we always be as polite, helpful, and solicitous of our fellow riders.

Amen, and Amen.

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