This morning I took a pretty short ride - a 35km loop. On the way back, over the course of 15km I met three people riding along with their bike helmet dangling from their handlebars.
What's up with that?
I understand folks who choose not to ride with a helmet. I understand kids who remove their helmet once they're out of sight of Mom, or just forget to put it back on after playing at the park. But these three were adults... I'm at a loss to explain that one.
Had another odd week for training. Broke a spoke Monday, the store was too busy on Tuesday, dropped the bike off Wednesday, picked it up Thursday... so that is three days with no riding. And I had just committed myself to riding every day from now until the tour. Sigh. What can you do?
And on top of that, on Friday I did a 45km loop and my left knee/shin started giving me grief again the last 5km. Argh. My friend Pieter then loaned me his MTB to just see if a different bike/fit/etc would make a difference. I dunno. 35km this morning and all was well. I think I'll try swapping between the two bikes for the next couple days to see how things progress. (Pieter's bike has no mirror... I keep looking at my left hand out of habit, but no mirror there. Drives me nuts!)
7 years ago
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