The 2008 Sea-To-Sea Bike tour: 219 cyclists. 6246 km. 3881 miles. 62 days. The largest cross-continental bike tour ever.
Starting in Seattle on June 28, and ending in Jersey City on Aug 30.

Why? This is all about raising awareness and raising money to help fight the root causes of global poverty.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

I'm (almost) In

Yesterday, I found out (unofficially) that my church has agreed to endorse me to join the Sea To Sea tour next summer. I've already sent in my application, so now I just need to fax in (fax? How 1980's!) my endorsement form to SeaToSea HQ and Bob's-yer-uncle.

(well, unless they turn me down, which I don't expect, unless they've been flooded with applications for that segment of the tour.)

Stay Tuned...

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