It is a Kona "dew deluxe". The largest frame that they had -- don't ask, I don't remember the size. The frame is a good fit, and I love the disk brakes. I bought it about 18 months ago, and it's been my daily ride since. I commute to work about 4km (each way) all year. I've got a rack on the back, toe clips, fenders, and a 2" extension on the handlebar stem to allow me to sit more upright (more on that below)
Is it the bike I'll be taking on tour? Well to be honest, the jury is still out on that. I have not yet had a chat with my bike store, but I should soon.
Getting the opinion of my (trusted) bike mechanic is only half the decision, though. I also need to spend some time getting in some good long rides this fall to see how the bike feels after 2-3hrs of riding. (For instance: So far, I already know I want different handlebars. I don't like riding for long with these plane straight bars. My wrists and forearms aren't happy. I need something with a bit of curve to it, to allow my hands to fall into a more natural position.)
The deciding vote will come from my back. Last April I injured my back -- the two lowest disks are bulging a bit. After rest and exercise, I'm fine, or at least as fine as I'll probably get. But I am wondering how prolonged cycling will feel. Back in the spring my physiotherapist told me it was fine to start cycling again. The main allowance I need is to make sure I sit with a more straight back. No hunching over the handlebars with a curved back!
And if the back complains, then I may be shopping for a recumbent. I used to own a homebuilt recumbent SWB bike.

I sold it back in '02. It was too heavy, and I didn't like it on hills, and the frame was cracking. But the newer (professionally built) models are lighter, stronger, and are even available with full suspension.
We'll see.
OK...that home built thing is seriously ugly. This is going to be tough enough...you can at least look good. Maybe a basket to give it some style?
You missed the "sold it in 2002" comment, obviously.
Here is the one that I would consider buying now. (But I haven't actually test driven it yet, just done some online research. I need to get out to K/W some time to take this for a test ride.)
Oh yeah...much better...basket ready and everything. You totally need to buy in the US with the way the dollar is.
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