The 2008 Sea-To-Sea Bike tour: 219 cyclists. 6246 km. 3881 miles. 62 days. The largest cross-continental bike tour ever.
Starting in Seattle on June 28, and ending in Jersey City on Aug 30.

Why? This is all about raising awareness and raising money to help fight the root causes of global poverty.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Milestone: 70+km

Hey folks,

Today I went on a group ride with 3 other cyclists from here in London. It was a pretty good mix -- one guy was definitely a faster cyclist, one was self-admittedly slower, and two others sort of in the middle.

Total distance was about 72km, which is longer than I've ever gone before. Much to my surprise, my hands and my rear feel no worse than when I've done a 30-40km ride. (and my back and everything else is fine.)

Our average was only 18.9 kph, but that is okay. Today was more about being able to go the distance, than about how fast we did. Max for today was 51.8 kph, which was faster than I've ever clocked myself, quite fun!

I really must endorse the idea of group training rides, and I encourage everyone out there to do so. It makes the distance pass quicker, and the breaks are more enjoyable. Definitely the way to go. In miniature, we were thinking that this was also somewhat what things will be like on the actual tour this summer.


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