The 2008 Sea-To-Sea Bike tour: 219 cyclists. 6246 km. 3881 miles. 62 days. The largest cross-continental bike tour ever.
Starting in Seattle on June 28, and ending in Jersey City on Aug 30.

Why? This is all about raising awareness and raising money to help fight the root causes of global poverty.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Short ride, Morning ride...

Thursday morning I checked the forecast and the Friday/Saturday forecasts had rain, and I felt like getting out, so I hopped on my bike early and was out the door around 7:15/7:30am.

I "only" did 34km, but it was fun, and interesting to see how it felt compared to the 74km I did last week. I also found a really nasty hill, which I'll have to ride again sometime, as it's good training, no doubt.

And again I realized that I should bring a camera so that I can snap some pix and make these blog posts a lot more interesting.

I wasn't happy with my bike seat, and so just to try it out I "stole" the padded + sprung seat from my wife's bike a few weeks back. So far I'm liking it quite a bit. It bounces a bit, which I think helps hide the fact that my bike has no suspension. And that 34km ride felt pretty good on my backside compared to when I did such a ride last fall.

The other discovery I made, which is kind of obvious in hindsight, was how much you can accomplish if you just get out there a bit early. 7:15 isn't even that early to get on the road. I was home just after 9:30am, had a 2hr ride behind me, 34km done, and the day was still wide open ahead of me!


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