Arrived about 3pm. (would have been 2:15 if not for the driving range calling Len's name...)
What a great day.
Hot, to be sure. Especially after we hit Brantford and the wind was either blocked mostly by trees and buildings, or maybe it dropped a bit.
I'd like to apologize for referring to Pieter as a "Goof" in yesterday's blog. He's a great friend, and a great pastor, and a great biker, but those actions of yesterday do not deserve the adjective "Goof". Now, if he does any future goofy things, I'll reserve judgement. ;-)
It was nice to spend the evening at home, but the tour was not over yet, and my subconscious knew it, as I woke up before 5am... Scott+Linda gave me a ride back to camp, and we joined everyone at 6:30am getting some snacks/lunch together, getting our bags stashed, lubing up... (yes, HeatherF, I do take your advice!)
Ralph, Scott, Pieter, and I got on the road at 7am. Just 4km down the road we passed the house of a fellow from our church that they knew, so they stopped to roust him out of bed for a quick hello. I kept going. I wasn't going particularly fast, and they're all strong riders, so I figured they'd catch up soon enough. And besides, I didn't know the gentleman they visited.
Some time later I was cycling with some others when Pieter blows past with Eritia hot on his tail.
I called encouragement to Eritia.
Note that this is the same Pieter who told me that I didn't need a map of today's route because he had one, and besides, he'd ridden the route before... So how does this do me any good now? I may have to revisit that paragraph above, Pieter. :-)
But I'm just kidding. Everyone needs to find someone to ride with who matches their pace, and it is not always necessarily the same folks that you hang out with in Camp, as illustrated by my ride today. Today I rode a bit behind the Hoekstras from Chatham, then a bit with Randy DeWolde and Fred Meyerink (but only a bit -- they're too strong), and some also with Bert Slofstra into Woodstock. Finally I hooked up with Len Riemersma, Bob + Lisa Brouwer, and Melinda and Karen for the rest of the day. They welcomed me into their group, and their pace as well as their outlook on the day seemed to suit me quite a bit.
We're now entering the non-stop-buffet portion of the SeaToSea tour. There was an early SAG stop outside of London. Then we hit a church in Ingersoll who fed and watered us. Then again on the other side of Woodstock we were also treated well (complete with clean porta-potties with running water for handwashing!) And again in Brantford -- but by a Cambridge church I was told? And finally another stop for lunch on the other side of Brantford.
Hmm, yesterday I was pleased to step on the scale and note that I was another 5lbs down. I'd best be careful!!!!
There were some downright mean and annoying hills on the approach to Woodstock. I say that because the up side of each valley was significantly higher than the down side. But we did finally earn some nice downhill coasts as we got into Woodstock. But I agreed with Bert Slofstra that the placement of those stoplights at the bottom of a great hill takes all the fun out of cycling them!
I was pleased to bump into my wife's Aunt/Uncle Jenny+Cameron Linnell at the Woodstock picnic
Oh, and "Hello!" to Annette at the first Brantford (Cambridge?) stop. Sorry I had to run but the other riders were almost on the road and I didn't want to miss my group.
I used to read all of the blogs, so I knew that Len is a golf fan. And it just so happened that there was a driving range that came into view just ONE km before our final stop at Redeemer. Well Len didn't even ask, he just turned his bike into the driveway. I wasn't going to join in at first, but I "weakened". It's also our vacation, so lets do some goofy things every now and then. I don't think I've held a golf club in 20+ years, and you could tell. Len could make the ball fly, as could Bob. (check out the top picture, what is Karen doing there in the background?)
And here we are, our "golfer" pose. Mini-Putt, here we come...
And now I've had a fudgsicle, set up my tent, showered, washed my clothes from today, went to the refreshment area and had some chips and an ice cream bar and chocolate milk and soda and an orange and some other snacks, and now am sitting in the cool air conditioned calm of the Redeemer College library. Supper is in a half hour, hosted by the college. Why am I hungry again?
Tomorrow, St .Catharines and seeing my folks. Short ride too, only 74km, but do you think I'll be able to sleep in?
ps: No Ibuprofen today, No knee pain. Whee!
Good to hear you had a good day -- and no flats!
Aunt Jenny called after lunch, and she told me the fun she had at the Woodstock stop, chatting with lots of bikers, passing along that you were doing well.
Yesterday at the library, one of the librarians asked if we could use coupons to one of the outdoor London pools before the end of August. I gratefully accepted, and today we went to the Thames pool for the afternoon. It is an unheated pool, but the water was refreshing, not cold. They have a diving pool, so the boys spent most of their time there, while Marika, Theo and I were in the shallower pool where they had a slide.
Then off to use more library coupons, prizes from the summer reading club -- free kiddie cones at London Ice cream company. We've never been here before. The kiddie cones were big, and the ice cream is made on the premises -- very delicious!
Then off to find corn on the cob (following the biker's tradition of having ice cream before supper?). Our regular stall was gone. A sign at the end of the road, but no table, no corn. Are they done for the season? We did find another place and the corn is now ready! Off for supper.
Great to see you and talk to you this morning, Art!
I told one of the organizers of the refreshment stand that you were very impressed with the clean port-a-potty (sp?) here in Woodstock! I think one of the other bloggers also mentioned it. So Woodstock will be known for its clean toilets to the cyclists!
Thanks for including the photo of the three of us in your blog; it will become a keepsake of the tour.
I was also able to get one of the information cards the cyclists can give to those who are interested in the tour. The cyclists mention them so often.
Enjoy your time in the comfort of Redeemer and God-speed for the rest of the trip!
Aunt Jenny and Uncle Cam
I didn't realize you were a golfer Art :)
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