The 2008 Sea-To-Sea Bike tour: 219 cyclists. 6246 km. 3881 miles. 62 days. The largest cross-continental bike tour ever.
Starting in Seattle on June 28, and ending in Jersey City on Aug 30.

Why? This is all about raising awareness and raising money to help fight the root causes of global poverty.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Distance Milestones...

Last weekend I managed 4 rides, each of about 12-15km.

This past weekend I only manged to make time for one. But it was a full 30km.

The route was pretty simple, 15km north, and 15km south (home). The weather was chilly (I didn't write it down, but I think only about 10c), but a biking body generates a fair bit of heat. The windbreaker stayed in my pannier, and two t-shirts (one long sleeve) was all I wore on top. At the 15k mark, I stopped and had a granola bar for a couple minutes and then headed back. I couldn't stay long, as I would get a chill if I stayed put too long and allowed the sweat to cool...

There was a sharp wind out of the NW, cross my path, which made the ride a harder slog, and definitely slowed me down. Only helped a bit on the ride home.

So what'd I learn? Well, 30km really wasn't that hard. At least as far as stamina. I didn't really feel that exhausted or tired. However, my butt got rather sore starting at km 20, and my hands started tingling by that point also. But once I was home, things were fine.

And most important of all, my back was fine.
Today, my friend and fellow rider Gayle is in for (planned) surgery on her foot. Dear God, be with her, and may she heal fully with good speed, Amen!


Anonymous said...

Hey Art:

Read your exchange with Joshua re: the recumbent bikes on tour on the sea to sea facebook page. There were two recumbents on tour - one at the beginning, a two wheeler much like your butt ugly "sold" one and the recumbent that Josh is talking about - ridden by Clare Kielstra from Regina (I think) to the end. Now, Clare's was (is) a three wheeler that sits very low to the ground, hence the visibility issue, but he was usually biking with a fellow rider and had a large antenna with a flag on it to help with visibility. Yes, sometimes he was hard to see but I don't think he experienced any close calls because of it. If you chose to go the recumbent route have fun with it!!! This is not a race, this is a tour!

~not your H

Art said...

Hey, Heather,

Yeah, three wheel recumbents are usually quite low. Fun, though. Sort of like cycling in an easy chair. I bet you'd like one!

One of these days I need to make the drive out to Kitchener, so I can visit the rebel cycles guy and test drive his recumbent bikes.

Anonymous said...

Prayers are being answered. Working my way back. 4 months until I'm back on the bike.

The prayers of the righteous are a powerful thing.