The 2008 Sea-To-Sea Bike tour: 219 cyclists. 6246 km. 3881 miles. 62 days. The largest cross-continental bike tour ever.
Starting in Seattle on June 28, and ending in Jersey City on Aug 30.

Why? This is all about raising awareness and raising money to help fight the root causes of global poverty.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Byron, NY to Romulus, NY

Heather here. Art left a message that he made it safely to the state park, but he didn't think that there would be any internet.

He said the ride was good today. Lots of hills! Lots of ups and down. It reminded him of how our cousins, Al and Michele Flim, said their dream house would be at the top of a large hill, looking down over a valley. Art biked over lots of hill tops and through lots of valleys. The countryside was beautiful and the towns were historic and picturesque.

He ended up biking on his own for a section, and he said it was a good time to think, reflect and pray. Also he didn't have to worry about keeping pace with anyone. He could just go at his own pace.

A good lunch was at the 80 km mark, provided by a local church, and situated on someone's farm. He said it was nice to have lunch there, as you then only had 40 km left to bike to get to camp. (To think, only 40 km!)

Art is on sweep, which means he helps with serving supper, then breakfast tomorrow. The sweep team then leaves last in the morning, staying behind the rest of the bikers, helping to make sure no gets left behind, and everyone gets into camp safely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Art,
I think yours was the only Blog last night who had posted a new message (with Heather's help!)

It must be difficult to write each night when you already have to do so many things after you get to camp; so it's appreciated when cyclists write an update.

I understand that Len Riemersma's computer crashed; too bad! We miss his photos and often humourous comments!

We read today's message in Shifting Gears and agreed that the often forgotten support staff should also be recognized on this tour; as the writer writes: "As the cyclists we are te splash that gets the ripples moving...But after us, behind us, and all around us are people serving with joy and anticipation..."

We often mention the immense amount of work that must go into this tour to make it run smoothly. A good example were the smooth crossings out of and into the United States that Ed Witvoet arranged and planned! Things like that don't just happen; they demand work!

Hope the last few days will be great for the cyclists. It will seem empty without my daily "fix" reading the blogs!

Heather have a safe trip to New Jersey with the children; may it be a wonderful celebration for everyone.

Aunt Jenny